Request Fair Housing Training

Part of HOPE’s mission is to provide educational materials and trainings across Illinois. The best way to ensure that your rights are being protected is to know what they are. HOPE offers a variety of free presentations that can be tailored to the specific needs of an organization or group. Check out some of our offerings below and visit our Brochures and Handout page for printable materials.

Please allow up to 5 business days to process your training request. Thank you for your interest and commitment to ending housing discrimination! Please note that some trainings may incur a cost.

Types of Trainings

General Fair Housing Rights

Our general presentation explains what fair housing is, gives context about the history of the fair housing movement, covers what laws are currently in place today, and offers a brief overview of what reasonable accommodation and modifications are. 

Typically runs ~45 minutes, plus time for audience questions

All of our presentations can be done either virtually, or in person.

Rights for Survivors of Abuse

This presentation covers the specific housing rights granted to victims of domestic violence and abuse. It includes information about the Safe Homes Act and Violence Against Women Act.

Typically runs ~ 45 minutes, plus time for audience questions

 All of our presentations can be done either virtually, or in person.

Rights & Responsibilities for Housing Providers

This presentation is meant for landlords and housing providers interested in learning more about their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act. It includes an overview of the FHA, as well as how to handle requests for reasonable accommodations and modifications, and best practices for dealing with common issues.

Typically runs ~ 60 minutes, plus time for audience questions.

 All of our presentations can be done either virtually, or in person.

Realtors and Fair Housing

 Gives a brief overview of the Fair Housing Act, and covers best practices for advertising and listing a property in compliance with the FHA. Additional topics can be added as relevant/requested. For example, best practices during COVID-19 and helping clients who have assistance animals.

Typically runs ~ 60 minutes,  including exstensive time for audience questions.

 All of our presentations can be done either virtually, or in person.

Understanding Assistance Animals

This presentation offers an overview on assistance animals in housing, and is applicable for both landlords and tenants/homeowners. It explains the difference between service animals, emotional support animals, and assistance animals, covers how to make, verify, and respond to a request for an assistance animal, and reviews laws such as the Illinois Assistance Animal Integrity Act.

Typically runs ~ 45 minutes, plus time for audience questions

 All of our presentations can be done either virtually, or in person.

Other & Custom Presentations

HOPE also offers presentations on design and construction standards, protections based on national origin, rights for individuals with disabilities, as well as presentations directed towards grade school, high school, and college classes.

Additionally, HOPE is always available to tailor presentations to a group or organizations specific interests. To learn more about custom presentations please email