PHA Resources
This page contains information and resources for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to assist them in assessing fair housing compliance and opportunities. If you have any questions, please use the “Contact Us” button on the navigation bar above.
According to 24 CFR 903.7(o), the civil rights certification says that the PHA must also certify that it will affirmatively further fair housing. This compliance is achieved by fulfilling the requirements of Sec. 903.2(b): (1) Examines More…its programs or proposed programs; (2) Identifies any impediments to fair housing choice within those programs; (3) Addresses those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the resources available; (4) Works with local jurisdictions to implement any of the jurisdiction’s initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing that require PHA involvement; (5) and maintains records reflecting these analyses and actions.
HOPE’s 2014-2015 Webinar Presentations
HOPE was previously funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide specific guidance, technical information, and data available to assist a PHAs in Illinois with assessing their own compliance with Federal Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) requirements. The webinars below include some of that information (relevant to PHAs outside of Illinois as well). Please click below to view/download the webinars.

Applicable Laws and HUD Guidance
- Summary of Civil Rights Laws Applicable to PHAs
- HUD FHEO and PIH Joint Guidance for Civil Rights Compliance [FHEO Notice 2011-1/ PIH Notice 2011-31]
Voluntary Compliance Agreements and Settlements with PHAs
- Disability Issues – Jacksonville VCA (2013)
- Race/National Origin –
Aurora Housing Authority VCA (2014)
Aurora Housing Authority Letter of Findings (2013) - Limited English Proficiency (LEP) – Nebraska Department of Economic Development VCA (2014)
- Harassment Issues – Boston Housing Authority Consent Decree (2015)
- Race: Segregation – Thompson v. HUD (2005)
- Retaliation Against PHA Employee – Becerra v. Hammond Housing Authority (2013)
- Residency Preference – Dubuque VCA (2014)
Best Practices Information
- Expanding Choice, Practical Strategies for Building a Successful Housing Mobility Program
- Comprehensive resources, publications, and information can be found through the Inclusive Communities Project
- Chicago Regional Housing Choice Initiative (CRHCI) through Housing Choice Partners (HCP)
- Affirmative Marketing, Tenant Selection – Connecticut Fair Housing Center’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: A Guide for Housing Providers
- Baltimore Mobility Report(Published by Poverty and Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) and The Baltimore Regional Housing Campaign)
- Victims of Domestic Violence – National Housing Law Project Resource Page
- HUD FHEO’s Limited English Proficiency Page with a variety of materials and resources, including Multi-Family Housing Forms and other documents translated into a number of languages
Recommended Book – Long Term Study Documenting Benefits of Affordable Housing in Areas of Opportunity
Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb
From “Under the New Jersey State Constitution as interpreted by the State Supreme Court in 1975 and 1983, municipalities are required to use their zoning authority to create realistic opportunities for a fair share of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households. Mount Laurel was the town at the center of the court decisions. As a result, Mount Laurel has become synonymous with the debate over affordable housing policies designed to create economically integrated communities. What was the impact of the Mount Laurel decision on those most affected by it? What does the case tell us about economic inequality?
Climbing Mount Laurel undertakes a systematic evaluation of the Ethel Lawrence Homes–a housing development produced as a result of the Mount Laurel decision. Douglas Massey and his colleagues assess the consequences for the surrounding neighborhoods and their inhabitants, the township of Mount Laurel, and the residents of the Ethel Lawrence Homes. Their analysis reveals what social scientists call neighborhood effects–the notion that neighborhoods can shape the life trajectories of their inhabitants. Climbing Mount Laurel proves that the building of affordable housing projects is an efficacious, cost-effective approach to integration and improving the lives of the poor, with reasonable cost and no drawbacks for the community at large.”